Songs on YouTube from my teen years
In my ears, not listened to in years,
Take me back to when all those I knew and loved
And loved me back were alive and well.
Now, many of them no more.
When the curtains falls,
(Mind you, eventually, it does).
So, when it does go down
The show is over.
Scene by scene, act by act, the show is over
Mistake ye not,
Scene by scene, act by act, the show is over
When the curtain falls.
Yeah, eventually, it does go down.
In the unscripted play that life is, until the curtain falls
You never know how many acts and how many scenes
You will star in. You may exit mid-way or someone close to you might.
Entrances and exits are the bookends that make a play a play.
Once you exit, you cannot reenter, nor can the actor whom you grew close to as a person.
You may want to, he or she may want to.
But, once that exit door closes behind you, it's closed forever.
You can never de-exit or find the entrance door, no one who exited can.
They are both shut tight.
Now where do you go?
I don't know.
If you find out, let me know.
All I know is once you leave the stage amid whatever act or scene
You are done with your part.
The End